Prof. (Dr.) Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

demoWorkShop Seminar

Completed a 30-hour online course on PYTHON for Image Processing and Computer Vision
conducted by SCS-India, during the period 1st Oct 2017 - 30th Oct 2017.

Completed a 30-hour online course on Data Analytics and Machine Learning using PYTHON
conducted by SCS-India, during the period 17th Dec 2016 - 10th Jan 2017.

Participated and presented a paper titled \A quantum inspired backpropagation multilayer percep-
tron (QIBMLP) for prediction of iron adsorption capacity of calcareous soil from aqueous solution"
in a One week TEQIP-II funded National Level Faculty Development Programme on Fundamen-
tals and Advances of Solid State Matters for Technological Applications organized by
Dept. of ECE and Dept. of Sc. & Hum., RCCIIT, Kolkata during 06.07.2015 to 10.06.2015.

Participated in a One week TEQIP-II funded National Level Faculty Development Programme
academically and technically supported by Center of Education Technology, IIT, Kharagpur on
Pedagogy and E-Learning Technology organized by Dept. of CSE, RCCIIT, Kolkata during
22.06.2015 to 26.06.2015.

Participated in a One week TEQIP-II funded and ACM, Kolkata Chapter technically sponsored
National Level Faculty Development Programme on Recent Advancements in Wireless and
Mobile Network Technologies organized by Dept. of IT, RCCIIT, Kolkata during 21.07.2014 to

Participated in a One week TEQIP-II funded National Level Faculty Development Programme on
Advancement In Instrumentation Engineering and Development in Process Automation
organized by Dept. of AEIE, RCCIIT, Kolkata during 14.07.2014 to 18.07.2014.

Participated in a One week TEQIP-II funded and IEEE EDS Chapter, Kolkata Section technically
sponsored National Level Faculty Development Programme on Advances in Solid State Devices
organized by Dept. of ECE, RCCIIT, Kolkata during 10.02.2014 to 14.02.2014.

Participated in a Three day TEQIP-II funded National Level Workshop on Recent Trends in
Multimedia Technology organized by Dept. of CSE, RCCIIT, Kolkata during 10.07.2013 to

Participated in a One day IEEE GRSS technically sponsored and TEQIP-II funded National Level
Seminar on Radio and Radar Sensing of Atmosphere organized by Dept. of ECE, RCCIIT,
Kolkata on 27.02.2013.

Participated in a One day workshop on Computational Intelligence in Brain-Computer In-
terface and Context-Aware Service Management organized by Calcutta Chapter of IEEE
CIS and Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata on 14.03.2011.

Participated in the Half-day seminar on Introduction to Nanotechnology and Some Appli-
cations to Nanoparticles organized by the Department of Computer Application, RCC Institute
of Information Technology, Kolkata on 05.01.2009.

Participated in a One day workshop on Building Energy Simulation Awareness organized
by the School of Illumination Science, Engineering and Design and Global Change Programme,
Jadavpur University on 14.06.2008.

Participated in a One day state level seminar on Application of Cryptology in Industry and
Cryptanalysis organized by the Department of Information Technology, RCC Institute of Infor-
mation Technology on 05.04.2007.

Participated in a TEQIP sponsored One day workshop on Cryptography-Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kalyani Government
Engineering College, Kalyani on 07.06.2006.

Participated in a TEQIP sponsored One day seminar on Internet Security organized by the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani
on 28.04.2006.

Participated in a Three day national workshop on Characterisation of Laser and Nanoma-
terials organized by the Department of Physics, The University of Burdwan from 25.12.2005 to

Participated in a Two-day workshop on Microelectronics and VLSI Design Techniques or-
ganized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kalyani Government
Engineering College, Kalyani from 17.09.2005 to 18.09.2005.

Participated in a short-term training on Multimedia Based Instructional Software Develop-
ment organized by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Kolkata
from 08.08.2005 to 12.08.2005.

Participated in an AICTE sponsored quality improvement programme short-term course on Ap-
plication of Virtual Reality in Mineral Industry organized by the Department of Mining
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur from 31.01.2005 to 04.02.2005.

Participated in a training on . NET Technology core concepts and its various features
organized by Ardent Collaborations, Kolkata from 08.10.2004 to 10.10.2004.

Participated in a One day IEEE Workshop on Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing
held at the Indian Association for Cultivation of Science on 13.03.2004.

Participated in a quality improvement programme short-term course on Signal Processing and
its Applications organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati from 19.01.2004 to 27.01.2004.

Participated in a short course on Computer Network and Internetworking organized by the
Technical Teachers Training Institute, Eastern Region from 06.01.2004 to 10.01.2004.

Participated in an AICTE-ISTE sponsored short-term course on Biomedical Imaging organized
by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh
from 10.11.2003 to 21.11.2003.

Participated in a Two-day workshop on Computational Geometry organized by Advanced Com-
puting and Microelectronics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute from 18.03.2002 to 19.03.2002.

Participated in an in-house programme on Educational Technology organized by the Technical
Teachers Training Institute, Eastern Region from 13.03.2002 to 15.03.2002.